I grew up in a middle class black family. I say that because this story is more about us as a whole than it is about me. We’ve got some mental health issues throughout the family. My dad’s oldest sister developed mental health issues in her late twenties. Her husband dropped her off at my grandmother’s house and she’s been there for nearly 40 years. Her situation has gotten much worse. She won’t take her medicine.
My dad is a fairly intelligent guy. He was one of the most intelligent men I knew but when I turned 15 his mental health took a turn for the worse. He started having illusions and wouldn’t get help. He thought we were all out to get him. His wife , his kids, his co workers. He was a lawyer. He lost his job, his law license, lost clients. Now, he too lives with my grandmother.
I found out that his father (my grandpa) also had mental issues before he passed. I’m terrified because I know that there is a chance that me or my younger brother will develop mental issues as we get older. I feel like when I date someone and I eventually tell them what’s wrong with my dad , they think about that as far as the future. I mean who would wanna be with someone long term who might lose it? One of my dad sister , who hasnt lost it, recently told my madre that she takes a sedative Because she started to realize that she was feeling weird and it keeps her normal. I just hope that if it ever comes that me or my bro have those problems that we are strong enough to get help. Medicine and other help can make these better and slow down mental deteriorating, so that you can be sane as long as possible. Its one of my biggest fears now . this my story