
This does not relate to me but it relates to a close family member. Maybe about 2 years ago he started to display signs of some mental illness. He started to become paranoid of certain things, he struggles with social interactions and carrying a conversation. He often stares and has a lost look on his face and likes to sit in the dark. Sometimes he is forgetful and does not show much expression except when he laughs by himself. This person is no longer the individual he once was. He was always motivated to learn in try new things and since this illness came to him, he lost all that side of him. I would like to get some advice on how to get this person aid. I think he may be starting to suffering from schizophrenia but I am not a doctor, this is only comes from my observations and the online research I’ve done. I want to get him help but I do not know where to start. I do not want to take him just anywhere, he may panic and start to refuse. Since I know its early, it would be better to get aid as soon as possible so he can get control of his life back. I hate seeing him like this and I feel helpless. Whats the best way to get started in seeking mental aid for a love one? What are the best resources? How should I go about this? I am based in the NYC area so there should be something out there. Thank you for your time.

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