The only way to defeat generational curses is through Healing and Love. Blacks have suffered decades of oppression from slavery, to segregation in the Jim Crow South, to systematic disadvantages in housing, higher education, etc. This has led to Mental Health issues in our communities. Decades of abuse and oppression passed down from generation to generation.
Unfortunately there was a dark time in our country where blacks were being killed/lynched for almost anything. Especially in the South. A lot of Blacks showed signs of mental illness then, but never got help out of fear of being lynched. If any “negro” was rumored to have random outburst, hallucinations, or any other symptoms of mental illness, he or she was labeled a demon or witch, and lynched on site. To keep this from happening families would protect their loved ones and say “nothing is wrong with him” “He’s ok” “She’s just having a bad day” This very denial has manifested into the denial in black communities today. What was once was a protection tactic is now a severe problem in our community.
Our ancestors never had therapist to talk to, so most of them never properly healed from traumatic experiences. This burden was then passed down to our grandparents, parents, and us. Because blacks are so strong and resilient, we sweep Mental Health under the rug and never get help. We think we can “fight it” or “pray it away” when in reality we are suffering. Its time we come together as one and fix this.